Get Seeds for Your Garden!
Request Seeds here!
Non-Newark Residents Pay Here!
Every year, we receive seed donations from large seed companies and other groups dedicated to food sovereignty, like the Cooperative Gardens Commission. The seeds we receive are used to plant our Hawthorne Avenue Farm, hydroponics greenhouse, Outdoor Learning Center, and various school garden locations. We also share seeds with gardeners in our Plot-It Fresh program and other Newark-based community and home gardeners.
Now, more than ever, the need for local food security is abundantly clear. Not only is access to healthy food difficult and uncertain right now, but seeds are also in high demand with many stores selling out and online sources not taking new orders. With these conditions in mind, Greater Newark Conservancy is offering seeds to Newark-based gardeners and those of surrounding communities.
All requests will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Please do not request more than you can reasonably expect to plant and grow. Most seeds will come in repacked envelopes containing up to 50 seeds. Large seeds (squash, cucumber, etc.) may only come with a few seeds per envelope. You may select up to 10 items.
Order by Wednesday and your request will be mailed out the following week.
Newark residents will have seeds mailed to them free of charge, non-Newark residents subject to a mailing fee to help offset our mailing costs.
Please email
(Delivery or mail order may be possible for individuals who cannot pick up.)
Send us photos of your home garden projects!
Send us photos of your home garden projects from our seed share program to share on our website!