Education Field Trips
Judith L. Shipley Urban Environmental Center Field Trip Guide
Inspiring Students / Cultivating Minds
Environmental Education fosters critical thinking, problem solving and student collaboration. Lessons support Next Generation Science Standards (NGSSS) and Common Core Standards.
Programs can be scheduled Monday-Friday. All programs run rain or shine and can be adapted to meet special needs.
Preregistration is required. Fees are:
• Pre-K and K: $200 per session, for up to 18 students (60 minutes per session)
• Grades 1-12: $300 per session, for up to 25 students (90 minutes per session)
• $10/student above the maximum number
All Conservancy Education Programs:
are correlated to Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards;
are tailored to student cognitive development;
are designed using the environment as an integrated context for multi-disciplinary learning;
can be adapted to meet special needs; and
run rain or shine, unless otherwise noted.
•For more information or to schedule a trip email Sarah.

Field Trip Topics
**denotes Reverse Field Trips--These lessons can also be experienced at your school!
Pre-K and Kindergarten
We Need Bees**
Hikes for Tykes (Not available Dec - Feb)
Grades 1 to 3
Urban Habitats**
What’s the Buzz**
Bee Wise (Available April-November)
Grades 4 to 12
Worm in the City: Urban Recyclers
Our Sustainable City
Life in the Pond: An Ecological Study (2 hours) (Available May-November)
Click here for complete Field Trip Guide Descriptions